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Brighton Center Transition Pathways to School Readiness Webinar

Learn More Friday Webinars

Transition Pathways to School Readiness

Brighton Center's Parent Education Series

As your child nears their 3rd birthday, it's time to start thinking about what additional supports or services they might need after age 3 that will allow them to continue to grow in their development and be as prepared as possible to successfully enter Kindergarten.

Brighton Center offers a weekly webinar on Friday that outlines caregivers’ transition options for their children. We review and lay out these options, giving insight into the school side of things and allowing a lot of time for Q&A.

The presenter for these sessions is Girasol Margain, not only our SESS Consultant and resident expert in transition processes, but she is also a parent who has been through this transition process with her son, who is now an adult. The insight she offers is priceless; she can put herself in your shoes and provide you with the insight you may need to make the best-informed decision about transition.

Join us any FRIDAY for a FREE 30-minute Zoom webinar that is part of Brighton Center's Parent Education Series.

Learn More Friday Webinars

Transition Pathways to School Readiness 

12 pm (english) or 1 pm (espanol)

no charge